This curriculum has been developed with a special purpose of preparing barista as technical
workforce able to get employment in the country and abroad. The technical skills incorporated in
this curriculum came from the experts who have been working as barista and their upper
portfolio. Its contents are organized in the form of modules.
It is a competency based curriculum. It is designed to produce basic level technical workforce
(barista) equipped with skills, knowledge and attitudes necessary to work being as a baristain in
order to meet the demand of such workforce in the country and abroad so as to contribute in the
national streamline of poverty reduction in Nepal. This curriculum emphasizes on competent
performance of the task specified in it. 80% time is allotted to the competencies and 20% to the
related technical knowledge.
The main aim of this curricular program is to produce skilled barista by providing training to the
potential citizen of the country and link them to employment opportunities in the country and
abroad. The aims of this curriculum are:
To produce basic level technical workforce.
To produce technical workforce who will be able to create enterprise.
On successful completion of this training, the trainees will be able to;
maintain safety precautions in café
prepare hot /cold beverage
handle food/ pastry
maintain hygiene in café
display food and beverages
perform opening /closing activities
maintain machine/equipment in cafe
get employment within and outside the country
operate their own café as small enterprise
The total duration of this curricular program will be three immersive weeks (30 hours) including OJT.
Group size:
Maximum 20 person in a group
Pattern of attendance:
The trainees should have 80% attendance in theory classes and 90% in Practical (Performance)
to be eligible for certification.
Entry criteria:
Individuals who meet the following criteria will be allowed to enter in this curricular program:
Interested individuals with literate in English and Nepali.
Interested individuals with literate in English and Nepali.
Physically and mentally fit
Age above16 years
Pass in entrance exam
The related training institute will provide the certificate of “Barista” to those individuals who
successfully complete all the tasks with their related technical knowledge including OTJ specified in the curriculum .
Student Evaluation:
1. Continuous evaluation of the trainees’ performance is done by the related instructor/trainer
to ensure the proficiency over each competency.
2. Related technical knowledge learnt by the trainees will be evaluated through written or oral test as per the nature of the content .
Trainers’ Qualification:
Minimum Skill L-2 pass in the related field
Good communicative & instructional skills
Minimum 2 years’ experience in the related field.
Trainer – Trainees Ratio:
1:10 for practical classes
Training Methodology
Demonstrate task performance
Demonstrate task performance in normal speed
Demonstrate slowly with verbal description of each and every steps in the sequence of
activity flow of the task performance using question and answer techniques
Repeat the above step for the clarification on trainees demand if necessary.
Perform fast demonstration of the task performance.
Provide trainees the opportunity to practice the task performance demonstrated.
Provide trainees to have guided practice:- create environment for practicing the
demonstrated task performance and guide the trainees in each and every step of task
Provide trainees the opportunity to repeat & re-repeat as per the need to be proficient on
the given task performance
Switch to another task demonstration if and only if the trainees developed proficiency in the given task performance .
Course Features
- Lectures 16
- Quizzes 0
- Duration 3 WEEKS
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 0
- Assessments Yes